Commercial affordable effective web site creation and design

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Walcam Web Works - effectively utilising the World Wide Web

Personal affordable informative web site design

Domain Names
Domain Name Registration

WWW can help you secure that domain name today.
We can register on your behalf, any domain name (,,, etc) and maintain its presence on the World Wide Web.

The number of companies developing a web presence is staggering.
The registration of domain names alone is about 100,000 per month.

If you think that your company may need a web presence in the future,
now is the time to secure your domain name.

Domain Name Hosting

WWW can also host your domain on our fast and secure servers.
Our Domain servers are co-located within Data Centres
in Gloucestershire and Reading within the UK.
We have Multiple connections at different locations and being delivered over different fibre and copper networks to multiple world-class ISPs.
We operate full load balancing on our traffic and also provide complete redundancy. If one (or even two!) of our connections should fail, all traffic will automatically be routed by the other connections within seconds.

Domain Name Email

Once you have purchased and activated your Domain name, you will have full email access through that domain name.
All our hosted Domain names are supplied with full email functionality, including
Standard POP3 mail forwarders
Advanced POP3 including virus protection and spam filtering
Remote Web Based Access
Auto Forwarding
Auto Responders
Auto SMS alerts

But Do Please Remember

A web site is not a replacement for all of your marketing tools. 
In today's market, it should be a part of your overall marketing plan.

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